Tuesday, 29 December 2020

"Its over Anakin I have the high ground!"

Star Wars can be related to the gospel in so many ways. the force is the power of God or the Holy Ghost. And you can choose to either do good or bad with it. Each character can be related to a different person in the scriptures. Just a thought for your thoughts. 

We went to Springfield this week to do some stake bonding activities and give out free hot cocoa it was freezing and wouldn't recommend it to the weak of heart. We had a little secret Santa there too and I got a Darth Vader toy. (I said Anakin was my favorite character not Darth Vader, two totally different people btw) 

Funny story. A guy in my ward was in the military at one point and has since then had a military haircut. So one day I made a joke saying what if I cut my hair like him and he responded with''ok do it, lets go on Tuesday '' so me not being a woos I took up the challenge. I got an army cut. I have pics below didn't look to good on me.


So Christmas eve we went caroling and sang to a bunch of non members and investigators with the Flippos that was good fun then had dinner later that night at sister Nichols house. All was good. Until she said we were eating meatloaf. I've never had meatloaf before. And i wouldn't recommend it. You know when people tell you those stories of them on their mission having to force down someone's food. Yea that was me with the meatloaf. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone. That was terrible. 

For Christmas day I jumped on face time first thing opened gifts with my fam and headed down to jasper where we joined the Lowes and Bishops family for a nice hike in the Ozarks. Reminded me of home a little but imagine hills instead of mountains. Yeah a lot easier. But still way fun. After we went to the Lowes and had Christmas dinner. Soooooo gooood. Holy it was amazing. I would wish that upon anyone hahah. 

The next day was boxing day and us and the sisters decided to exchange little gifts with each other for me. Ha ikr how cute. 

Then Thacker got sick and we got quarantined for a couple days so yeah that just about ended all the fun of this interesting week. See ya next week nebers.

Letter writing sounds like a fun new hobby to take up so write me one and I'll write back! 
301 N Chestnut St Harrison Arkansas 72601 

Love you all!!
-старейшина Bradshaw 

1) new cut with bro Lowe 
2)service in Springfield 
3)mama Nichols humble cat abode 
5)hike in Ozarks 
6)crashing at the Lowes for a fantastic feast 
7)SO to B Nichols 
8)my naked head 

Monday, 21 December 2020

Ripping Lips!!! (BIGGEST IN THE WORLD ?!?!)

Ight weekly email lets do this. So this past week was a fun one did a lot of different things. First off we had exchanges with the Branson elders and i got to go up there for the day and hangout with elder Sanders and experience what we call the great value strip. no joke there's so many crazy buildings up there. Straight up feels like ur on the strip. sorta. haha 

On Friday we went up to Springfield Missouri and helped at crosslines. It was good fun met some more Elders and Sisters there i didn't know existed. But Springfield is known for having the biggest bass pro shop in the world. Its less a store than it is a museum/aquarium/shooting range it was sooo sick. OooooooO they also have a raisin canes there so I forced everyone to wait in line with me hahaha.

So we've been doing lots of service at our local share and care. Its basically a DI. So its kinda cool. But they also give out thousands of dollars worth of food every Christmas to the community. Just straight up hand outs. And I got to talking with the owner and he told me about why he does what he does. He's got such an awesome story. Basically everyone there does. Dunno how they're not already members. Literally the nicest people and there out of their own will. (soon to be investigators?) 

We got the opportunity to go roller skating with the sisters investigator. We had no business being there but it was an excuse to go skating so ill take it. Ha. All those days r finally paying off from hitting classic every Tuesday and Thursday night. Haha 

Me and Zebby r gonna start playing Pokémon over zoom so if u have any spare Pokémon cards laying around feel free to send em my way hahaha. 

Well its the Christmas season I love you all so much! Your all in my prayers and I wish you all a wonderful Christmas!! 
Весела Коледа!!
обичам те!!! 
- Старейшина Bradshaw 
1 Nephi 11

1) gret value strip 
2) we took an investigator roller skating 
3) raisin canes... ofc 
4) bass pro adventure park 
5) reppin the juice wrld, cowboy buckle, bolo tie combo... when in Arkansas  

Monday, 14 December 2020

An email if ur into that.

Well this week was a blur. We had exchanges this week with the zone leaders. All they did was tell us everything we were doing wrong the whole time so that was fun. Then one of the zone leaders told me he wanted me to step up in our zone and be a better leader cuz everyone in our zone apparently sucks at that and we have a younger district so he wants me to help more. 

Umm we explored more of the basketball situation with those high school kids. Turns out it costs money so we gotta figure that out with the mission president. I just wanna show the world what I picked up over the years with my high school team, Jahnsport.

We had a pancake eating contest which i went into with full confidence of beating the record of 19... i ate 8.   Mission failed well get em next time. 

Our two investigators refused to meet with us this week so that was a blast. However we got to teach the Pakistanian once and it feels like he wants to teach us more about his religion than learn about ours. So as one does I got a little heated over a topic we got into about how he believes the scriptures to be 99% correct. which he then proceeded to say that others taught it better. Meaning the people of Sofieism taught it better. I got upset and just wanted to end the call but yeah he's a work in progress.

We had the opportunity to go to Brother Lowes house where we helped him with a bunch of stuff around his house and then had one of the best bacon cheese burgers I've ever had in my life. He's an interesting guy. he served in the military and worked at a prison which is where he met his wife so you already know he's got some interesting stories. He also has the coolest and most obedient dog (stick around for photos).

We also got the chance to start doing service at an animal shelter. Probs my new fav service we do each week now. all we do is wash puppys and walk the dogs around and hang with them its litttt. There's cats too if anyone likes cats. personally not a fan.

Oh i got yelled at by an old woman for climbing up the side of a building that i thought could be a pretty sick rock climbing wall quite honestly. You know maybe get a documentary team out here of me trying to free solo that thing. just a thought. 

Well yeah not much else interesting has happened so yeah imma stop now.
обичам и много ми липсваш !!

-старейшина BRADSHAW 

Oh and if anyone wants to send me fan mail or christmas cards ill kindly oblige...
301 N Chestnut St, Harrison, Arkansas 72601
I might even write back 😊

1) the boys face time call 
2) service projects 
3) Harry sunet 
4) brother lowes dog and sick barn he made all by jim self (its got nothing on my shed i made right dad?)
5) dog shelter 
6) new hope road 

Tuesday, 8 December 2020

Trust In the Process.

Alright well I'm alive still. this week has been an amazing one. Started off a little rough and rocky and we still couldn't find anyone to teach but then this week I got a message from a guy from Pakistan (yeah ryj) on messenger and he had some questions about our church so we arranged a time and day to talk over zoom and we taught him a lesson and he had looooots of questions. So we arranged to meet up again so lets hope we can get him somewhere. then something fun happened with some one else. 

So my dad has this thing with us where if our dinner cancels on us he said he'd order us some pizza from the nearest dominos. And this happened on Thursday night. So we called papa and he ordered us some pizza. When it got here we took our pizza said thanks much appreciated, and shut the door. Little to our knowledge she had thought Thacker was a cutie patootie and she contacted us after over face book messenger. She said she wanted to show us around town but due to our circumstances we could not do so but we started talking about the gospel and she wanted to hear more so we arranged a time to go get food sometime so we could talk more about the restored gospel. Preet fun huh? Props to dad for the pizza. And helping us find an investigator. 

That's not all... we also went to the park on Saturday and started shooting hoops to get people to hopefully come play with us. and sure enough that happened. Four teenagers pulled up in a maroon jeep. We started playing 2v2 and got to talking about why we were in Harrison Arkansas. We explained why. They were interested but idk teenagers are hard to convince they are in the wrong so they told us about a basketball tourney that anyone can come to every Wednesday night. So we said we would come and play. And hopefully we can use that as a place to teach some other people and use those teeneagers as our way in. Our friends. So ya pray for us hopefully we can get these to all work out. 
I learned this week to never lose faith in the process. God has a plan for us. Each and every one of us. Whether your life is headed in a good or bad direction it's all for a reason. So don't lose faith in what god has in plan for you. Or those around you. Love you all hope you have a fantastic week. Email meee!!! Ha i love hearing from you guys. 
обичам ви всички
-старейшина Bradshaw 
1) me and bb Yoda 
2) my new star wars sweater 
3) my new red neck belt 
4) elder facker 

Random Man Asked Us To Drown Him?!?

 H ehe this is my short story.  So well get to the story concerning the title later. as one does. But hey what's up its been a fun week ...