Tuesday 8 December 2020

Trust In the Process.

Alright well I'm alive still. this week has been an amazing one. Started off a little rough and rocky and we still couldn't find anyone to teach but then this week I got a message from a guy from Pakistan (yeah ryj) on messenger and he had some questions about our church so we arranged a time and day to talk over zoom and we taught him a lesson and he had looooots of questions. So we arranged to meet up again so lets hope we can get him somewhere. then something fun happened with some one else. 

So my dad has this thing with us where if our dinner cancels on us he said he'd order us some pizza from the nearest dominos. And this happened on Thursday night. So we called papa and he ordered us some pizza. When it got here we took our pizza said thanks much appreciated, and shut the door. Little to our knowledge she had thought Thacker was a cutie patootie and she contacted us after over face book messenger. She said she wanted to show us around town but due to our circumstances we could not do so but we started talking about the gospel and she wanted to hear more so we arranged a time to go get food sometime so we could talk more about the restored gospel. Preet fun huh? Props to dad for the pizza. And helping us find an investigator. 

That's not all... we also went to the park on Saturday and started shooting hoops to get people to hopefully come play with us. and sure enough that happened. Four teenagers pulled up in a maroon jeep. We started playing 2v2 and got to talking about why we were in Harrison Arkansas. We explained why. They were interested but idk teenagers are hard to convince they are in the wrong so they told us about a basketball tourney that anyone can come to every Wednesday night. So we said we would come and play. And hopefully we can use that as a place to teach some other people and use those teeneagers as our way in. Our friends. So ya pray for us hopefully we can get these to all work out. 
I learned this week to never lose faith in the process. God has a plan for us. Each and every one of us. Whether your life is headed in a good or bad direction it's all for a reason. So don't lose faith in what god has in plan for you. Or those around you. Love you all hope you have a fantastic week. Email meee!!! Ha i love hearing from you guys. 
обичам ви всички
-старейшина Bradshaw 
1) me and bb Yoda 
2) my new star wars sweater 
3) my new red neck belt 
4) elder facker 

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Random Man Asked Us To Drown Him?!?

 H ehe this is my short story.  So well get to the story concerning the title later. as one does. But hey what's up its been a fun week ...