Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Random Man Asked Us To Drown Him?!?

 Hehe this is my short story. 

So well get to the story concerning the title later. as one does. But hey what's up its been a fun week over here. This week we had district council up in Branson. After we hangout with the Branson elders at their apartment. Had lots of fun and I learnt how to play some game called war hammer? Haha idk its fascinating. Kinda strange but recently I've been trying to open my playing field with things to talk about when talking with people. Usually I can relate to just about anything. Me and my friends were pretty diversified people. But one thing i could never relate to is the more board games / anime kind of things, like war hammer or dungeons and dragons and Pokémon. So that's why I started playing Pokémon more recently (btw my offer still stands if anyone wants to send me Pokémon cards im more than welcoming to that) and also decided to play this game with this guy. So if anyone wants to teach me how to play dungeons and dragons or like magic (Chase Collins) haha u know who u r. Hahaha I'd love to try it out. 

We got to go play basketball finally at ten-10. Its a training facility where people of all ages go play on Wednesdays and Sunday nights. We had some fun there's some good players. Took me back to ballin up with the boys in the mtc at the park hahah. We had some good conversations with people about our church and might be a potential hotspot for investigators. 

We met this lady in our ward who is from Utah and married a non member who also is from Utah but hates the church. Let me tell u she is a strong member. She puts up with him so well. And she has taken it upon herself to slowly convert him. And she knows its gonna take time. But little by little he has. He came to church last Sunday. They're awesome. We're planning on having some more scripture studies with them cuz man she knows so much about the bible and about Jesus's life and how he treated people. I feel like I could learn a lot from her. And maybe our visits will help her husband out too. 

Ok ok ok so let me explain what went down. Basically we got a referral saying this guy had some questions he wanted answered. so we set up a time to talk and we did just that. he had previously been given the book of mormon and wanted us to answer some questions he had on it. I quickly answered all his questions with confidence and he then proceeded to say... " I would like to be baptized." Holy crap did this catch us by surprise. we were both freaking out a little inside but held it in. he had to go so our conversation only lasted about 10 min. But he offered to say the closing prayer, and his prayer was fascinating. He was praying asking if all the black people in this worlds curse would be lifted and they would be made pure again. Me and Thacker froze and looked at each other with astonishment. He closed the prayer and we ok lets meet again soon so we can talk more about that baptism. He said ok and the phone call ended. obviously he doesn't understand some parts of the BOM and were gonna have to have a lot of lessons before any baptism can be confirmed. He also might be moving to Oklahoma soon so we might have to hand him off to some other missionaries. But for now were gonna try to do what we can to explain that the blacks are NOT cursed and that that curse was lifted. And the fact that it might not actually be as literal as they say it is in the scriptures. Anyways pray for John hahahah. 

Ooooo we also met this girl at the park playing basketball again. ikr basketball brings so many people unto Jesus. So we talked to her for a while and got talking about how she read the bible once because she got super bored. And she had some questions so I answered them. and we told her if she ever gets bored again haha let us know and we could maybe come talk and read more of the scriptures. So we handed her a pass along card with our number on it and a Book of Mormon and went on our lovely way. 

OK this is already hecka long so were gonna end it there. But I love and miss you all so much!! Don't forget to send me letters. I'm still writing back along with a Pokémon card that reminds me most of u in some way. hahahah
301 N Chestnut st. Harrison AR 72601 

Oh yea and I went to the ER cuz my ankle sucks.

-CTAPE Bradshaw 

1) bishops ranch? more like bishops personal climbing gym. Ha 
2) one of many of the sheep/goat herding dogs he has roaming constantly 
3) Warhammer?
4) a star wars magazine i found at the share and care if anyone knows its worth if any let me know
5) new wallpaper 
6) new dog that came in to the dog shelter that I have now decided I'm gonna steal one of these days and take it with me to Bulgaria 
7) ER visit 

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Meeting Arkansas Drug Lord

Alright alright alright. Howdy everyone what's new in the world? cuz I'm out here in Arkansas meeting drug lords sooo... hahah well get to that later. This week started off slow as we came out of quarantine and were trying to meet up with people after a long week of everyone not wanting to have anything to do with us. haha. 

We have this new potential investigator who just moved into town. We helped them clean up their yard and we got to talking about how he used to be a member but his wife wants nothing to do with us. We know this because he walked up to us and said " i hope you know your never gonna convert me. " So I think that means we might have a potential dunkee soon? Haha always up for a little challenge. Umm but the guy hunts for a living so he wants to cook us some deer meat sometime cuz neither of us have ever had it soo i guess that's our in? idk i guess well have to see. 

We have this little drone that flys around the house all by itself. We named it b2 for reasons. One day if we ever have droids like they do in Star Wars I think I want mine to b a drone ha that'd be dope. 

On Wednesday we had a big district activity and we got to watch Incredibles 2. Yes i know what your thinking. What a goated movie. Then we went to silver dollar city. We rode all 4 rides they had open because of the temperature. Good fun that was. It was especially fun when it started to snow and we could no longer see and it felt like we were flying through hyper space. haha 

Alright the drug lord. He wasn't exactly a drug lord per say but he definitely dealt. We were on a walk going through the park and I see these guys playing basketball. So we went over and challenged them to a game of 2v2. As one does. And as were were playing they were smoking cussing and people kept walking up to him slapping a 20 in his hand and walking away. I was a little confused at first. But as time went on I began to realize how much more crowded the park got once he got there. There were people of all sorts of ages pulling up giving him cash and walking away. I realized quickly what was going on. We beat them. Soo of course they wanted to run it back sometime soon so we gave him our number and made our goodbyes and were outta there. Felt pretty cool ngl. hahaha 

Also 8D music. Ever hear of it? Well now u have. Put some headphones on and pull up, lovely by billie ellish and khalid. and boom you'll fall in love. Trust me. 

Again my offer still stands if you wanna write me a letter. I will be writing back. I have been known to send a Pokémon card that most reminds me of u. Sooo idk u might get lucky. 
301 N Chestnut st Harrison Arkansas 72601 

love you all and stay safe! 

-Старейшина Bradshaw 

1) pops clutched up for a meal at Jamie's
2) silver dollar city 
3) might start a modeling career lmk what u think? Ha
4) thx momma for the Jared Higgins hoodie 
5) me and thackers adventure walks 

Random Man Asked Us To Drown Him?!?

 H ehe this is my short story.  So well get to the story concerning the title later. as one does. But hey what's up its been a fun week ...